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Dr. Amit Shah is trained in treating bruxism.

What is Bruxism?

Do you ever wake up with a sore, aching jaw and wonder why? Perhaps you have dull headaches daily and are unsure why. If you are experiencing these problems frequently, chances are you are suffering from bruxism. Many people consciously or unconsciously grind their teeth together while they are awake or asleep.

Larger problems can arise if bruxism remains untreated. Problems ranging from:

  • Sleep disturbance
  • Severe headaches
  • Eventual wearing down of teeth
  • Permanent dental shifting can result from ignoring bruxism.
  • amaged crowns

Bruxism may be manifesting itself physically as a result of:

  • Stress or anxiety
  • Abnormal bite pattern
  • It may be the result of another underlying dental issue

Regardless of the cause, which is often widely unknown, it is best to treat the problem of bruxism before it causes any additional, more severe physical problems.

What can be done about Bruxism?

Luckily, there are many methods available to help you cope with bruxism.

Dental Guards

Many people live with bruxism everyday with the help of a removable device such as a dental guard . Patients wear such dental devices while they sleep.

  • Dental guards are plastic mouthpieces fitted to the patient’s dental mold.
  • Dental guards are to be worn during sleep to prevent the teeth from grinding against each other.

Occlusal Splints
Occlusal splints are the most commonly prescribed method for fighting against bruxism. These are another type of removable dental guard. Occlusal splints can divided into two groups:

  1. Partial-coverage
  2. Full-coverage

This depends on the percentage of the teeth covered by the device.

Repositioning Splint

For patients with bruxism caused by uneven bite patterns, there is another device called a Repositioning Splint. These splints are designed to not only prevent bruxism from occurring, but also to help the patient’s teeth realign to a pattern that does not promote bruxism, similar to a retainer.


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